I started programming in Unity 3D when UnityScript was still a thing and I had a lot of fun creating some stuff, nothing proud of showing but when I was 17 I had already entered 2 unreal game jams and some other game jams.
They were not that great of entries but surely made me the person I am today. They made me realize what I really liked to do, sadly I didn't won any of those. At the time I was working with my best friend Ricardo Gonçalves that is one of the best programmers I know to be fair and we had great adventures on this world.
Well, I was focused on doing a game on my own, only having 48 hours to complete it and have it run on a tablet, a samsung galaxy tablet I still have!
This was a screenshot of the game. I did everything here and after not sleeping for that long I was proud of what I made alone,modelling, coding, texturing...and this is what made me realize what coding empowers you to do.So, at 17 I was already choosing a university course to go to continue with my dream of creating games, all by my own.
When I reached to university I already knew many of the stuff that I was learning, and because of that the first year was a breeze and nothing that difficult , even though I learned some stuff.
Up to the good part of the project I did , we have some Monogame 3D action.
Unity it is indeed a great way to get into the game creation platform and something that gets me in the right mood its procedural generation:
For the subject of Artificial Intelligence I decided to generate on runtime a 3D mesh with some biomes and a forest environment using a custom implentation of the paper of Professor Ken of the New York University on Perlin's Noise.
Taking advantage of unity Machine learning kits using Python 3.6 and TensorFlow, provided within Anaconda IDE, I was able to create a scenario where I had an agent identify and box and its color and go to the correct goal at the end.
Working in OpenGL was really great and fun, specially on the shader creation aspect , that was really fun since I used to work with all the elements of the light: diffuse, specular...etc and seeing the calculations and the process to achieve that was really amazing.
Application and DataBase , based in relations on .Net and Windows forms.
Responsible for Product managing and SQL.
This App was made in the subject of Mobile Computation on IPCA,Portugal.
All the elements of the app were done by me in Android Studio, code and design including HTTP Connections, video media players and FTP connection and other essencial navigation features , excluding firebase DataBase connection when saving notes that was done by José Miguel.